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Cosplay Critters Invasion!
Convention time always elicits many different emotions among all people. For some anime fans, it's the excitement of escaping to a place where they can meet with many others that share their love for the art. For others, it's a fun search to get hard to find series in the dealer's room. For a few, cons bring up a feeling of curiosity as they ponder what series they can see next. For non-fans, it may be a feeling of horror as they have to share a hotel with "costumed freaks," "those weirdos who watch those Chinese cartoons," and "those scary, smelly guys dressed like ten year old girls."
Whatever your views may be, cons offer a wonderful environment for fans and non-fans to gather and mingle, as well as a top-notch place to purchase anime (and related merchandise), both new and old and a first rate theatre setting to catch the latest and greatest in the anime world. On my latest trip to Anime Boston, I managed to snap a bunch of pictures for all of you fans to enjoy. Who knows... if you attended, you may even see yourself! Granted the pictures never could do justice to the true con spirit, but they do offer a fun sample into the costumes, events, and other facets of what can be partaken in at a convention.
Once again, I would like to thank Anime Boston for granting me the opportunity to attend, as well as all of the kind folks in the snapshots below. You were all great and I look forward to next year's convention.