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Miracles and Mixers
Mukashi Betsurehemu no umayado ni
Umareshi Iesu-Sama wa.
Kiseki no kane wo narashita mouta....
Long ago in a stable in Bethlehem,
Jesus was born.
The Bell of Miracles prepared to chime again....
From "Kiseki no Kane," aka "Miracle Bell," Sakura Taisen 2 [video game]
Around this time last year, we looked at some anime that have episodes dedicated to Christmas. This time, we'll look at some character art and songs that have the Christmas spirit! The first bit we have is character art. Quite a few artists throw a little Christmas cheer into their own publications, and we've captured a little of that for your enjoyment.
A Character Artist's Christmas
First of all, don't forget to invite friends!
Almost as important... leave the significant other out at your peril!
Deck the halls with all the fixins!
Be sure to share your plans with the family, especially if they're capable of exiling you to the moon.
Now you're ready for reindeer games!
The sounds of the season give the sights more appeal. We have three song samples for you, a couple that've been around since 1998, and one that came around in 2001. A good holiday song just doesn't get old....