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Reviews: Robot Dumpster of Love
We're not dead! We were resting!
In taking the time to give Anime Dream some technical enhancements so that we could deliver content faster, we ended up not producing any at all. Oops.
To make it up to our faithful reader -- yes, you in the corner over there, with the box of tissues and stack of yaoi manga and Judy and Mary CDs -- we got the bright idea that posting some reviews would give you something to read! So here goes....
This week's mini review bundle starts off with Shengokai's take on the Gundam: F-91 movie. To see why he didn't find F-91 to be an effective formula, see his review.
Next, we have a review about the orbiting garbage heaps of Planetes from Hidoshi, our new staffer. To find out whether this title is a keeper or a file-13 candidate, click here.
Finally, RPGuy chronicles some brother on sister(s) action in his review of Please Twins!. Click here to find out how many states are sure to ban this title. Or not.
Until next week (and it really will be next week), happy reading!