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Reviews: Robot Schoolteacher Kuromi
It seemed only fitting to have a military-themed anime at the top of this review update, this being the day when we all have cookouts and drink lots of booze in the spirit of rememberance for those who have fought to preserve our freedom; our freedom to watch those weird, vulgar Japanese cartoons, that carry submliminal messages instructing us to buy Hondas and Sony products. :-)
The title is Yukikaze, and the review (courtesy of Shengokai) is of the second volume. You can find it here, of all places.
Nextly, which isn't a word, RPGuy spews forth a review of Animation Runner Kuromi 2, the follow-up to the original wacky exposé into the dark world of animation production. Find out if the second offering maintains the previous level of wacky, here.
Finally, which is a word, but given the fact that it's an adverb, at the beginning of a sentence, no less, is evil, RPGuy offers up a follow-up, Buttercup, of Doki Doki School Hours. See if RPGuy has retained his sanity through a second helping of the show, here.
This is Angelo, who lost his sanity after an attack of The Avenger, signing off.