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Saber Marionette J, Box 3
The marionettes are back for one last look at Terra II before they have to say goodbye. This final volume kicks the series back into high gear as the end draws near. While the story may not be as lighthearted, everything seems to fall into place as this final arc sees the cast off in the best way possible.
A new threat has arisen and the marionettes are in grave danger. A new deadly force from Gartlant has arrived to maim and destroy. However, Japoness isn't the target this time, but rather Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry are. Apparently the three hold the key to an ancient puzzle of times past. Now the marionettes must destroy this menace before it destroys them.
While the marionettes have dodged one bullet, the planet of Terra II is in grave danger. The Mesopotamia, an ancient vessel that carried the original inhabitants of Terra II, is raining destructive blasts down on the surface of the planet. The marionettes must now put an end this final menace, even if it costs them their lives.
I actually found this arc to be much better executed than the second. The moments leading to the finale were among the best in the show, with plenty of story exposition, and more than enough action to keep viewers interested. Overall, this final arc has a much more complete feel to it than the lackluster second part of the series.
Technically, this third set holds up the same high standards as the first two volumes. The video is clear with vibrant colors and no aliasing or cross-coloration. The audio is clear, with no dropouts or distortion.
In terms of presentation, this final volume offers the same double-dose of regularity and familiarity that the previous two did. Along with a final set of three biographies, The "Saber Marionette J Music Circuit" returns for its last hurrah. Featuring an image song and a montage of clips featuring Bloodberry, VJ Lord Richard gives viewers one last chance to admire his interesting editing technique. Along with the usual bunch of extras, a hidden "Japoness Headlines" extra is available on the disc by selecting the maiden circuit on the main menu. This interesting bonus stars Megumi Hayashibara as an anchorwoman as she covers various topics about the show that range from a top-10 characters list to a message from the creator.
The front of the packaging has a close-up picture of Bloodberry and the logo. On the back is a description of the disc's contents accompanied by a few screen shots. The insert sees a return of the cover art on the front panel. Inside is a listing of episodes, as well as a color picture of Panther and Faust.
While the second volume hit a small bump that offset the pace, this third and final volume recovers and finishes with tremendous momentum. Pulling all of the stops, Saber Marionette J produces an ending that will pull at the heart strings of even the most apathetic, while still keeping the original spirit that the series began with.
Distributor: Bandai Entertainment Creator: Sunrise Released: 2000
Video Quality: B+ Audio Quality: B Presentation: A Content: A Overall: A-