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Pages matching tag 'Ghibli' (all tags):
- Kiki's Delivery Service: Original Soundtrack [Album Information]
- Arietty to Open in Over 1,200 American Theaters [News]
- Arrietty to Have Two Different English Dubs [News]
- Disney to Release Tales From Earthsea on August 13 [News]
- FanimeCon 2011: Viz Acquires Arrietty Comics [News]
- Gake no Ue no Ponyo Heading To America [News]
- GKids Acquires Theatrical Rights to 13 Ghibli Titles [News]
- Isao Takahata Confirms New Film [News]
- Isao Takahata Receives Honorific Leopard Award [News]
- Kiki, Laputa To Be Screened At New York International Children's Film Festival [News]
- Ocean Waves To Hit Western DVD... In The UK [News]
- Ponyo Heads Stateside [News]
- Ponyo Opens at #9 [News]
- Ponyo To Premiere At LA Film Festival [News]