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Pages matching tag 'acquisitions' (all tags):
- FUNimation Panel: Just the Facts, Ma'am [Media Spotlight]
- 4Kids Acquires Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time [News]
- 4Kids Posts Losses, Re-Focuses on Anime [News]
- 801 Media Acquires Yellow 2 [News]
- A-Kon 2008: Bandai Nabs Tamagotchi Movie [News]
- ACen 2011: Sentai Filmworks Acquires Amagami SS and MM! [News]
- ADV Acquires Darkside Blues [News]
- ADV Acquires Four Central Park Media Titles [News]
- ADV expands into Sentai [News]
- ADV Gets Clannad [News]
- ADV re-acquires Battle Angel [News]
- ADV to Distribute Princess Resurrection [News]
- Animate USA Adds Kanjou Spectrum [News]
- Anime Boston 2010: FUNimation announces Chobits, Spice & Wolf II, Eden of the East movies [News]
- Anime Boston 2011: FUNimation Acquires Fairy Tail, Aria the Scarlet Ammo [News]
- Anime Boston 2011: Sentai Acquires Night Raid 1931 [News]
- Anime Boston 2012: FUNimation Acquires Lupin, Others [News]
- Anime Boston 2012: Sentai Filmworks Acquires Kids On the Slope, Others [News]
- Anime Boston 2K9: FUNimation Announces Spice & Wolf [News]
- Anime Central 2010: FUNimation Acquires Rosario + Vampire, Six Others [News]
- Anime Central: FUNimation [News]
- Anime Detour 2011: FUNimation Acquires Fractale, Freezing, Tales of Vesperia [News]
- Anime Expo 2008: Bandai Entertainment [News]
- Anime Expo 2008: Dark Horse [News]
- Anime Expo 2008: FUNimation [News]
- Anime Expo 2008: Kadokawa USA [News]
- Anime Expo 2008: Nozomi Entertainment [News]
- Anime Expo 2008: TOKYOPOP [News]
- Anime Expo 2010: Bandai Adds K-On! [News]
- Anime Expo 2010: Digital Manga Adds 10 Titles [News]
- Anime Expo 2010: FUNimation Drops The Bomb [News]
- Anime Expo 2010: Sentai Filmworks Acquires High School of the Dead, Anime Network to Stream [News]
- Anime Expo 2011: Aniplex Acquires Madoka Magica, Blue Exorcist [News]
- Anime Expo 2011: Bandai Acquires Sacred Seven, Gundam 00I, and Lucky Star Boo Boo Kagaboo [News]
- Anime Expo 2011: FUNimation Acquires Deadman Wonderland, Others [News]
- Anime Expo 2011: NIS America Acquires Two New Titles [News]
- Anime Expo 2011: Nozomi Acquires Dirty Pair, Nadesico, Others [News]
- Anime Expo 2011: Viz Media Acquires Professor Layton, Bleach Movies [News]
- Anime Midstream Opens Its Doors [News]
- AnimEigo Acquires Growing Up With Hello Kitty [News]
- Aniplex Announces Durarara! [News]
- Arias of Kurozuka [News]
- Aurora Publishing Announces Red Blinds The Foolish [News]
- AX 2009: Bandai Acquires Eureka Seven Movie [News]
- AX 2009: CMX Adds Five New Titles [News]
- AX 2009: FUNimation Acquires Sengoku Basara [News]
- AX 2009: Nozomi Acquires Junjou Romantica, Antique Bakery, More Aria [News]
- AX 2009: Viz Acquires Second Bleach Film [News]
- Bandai Acquires Endless Eight, Bandai Nabs Endless Eight [News]
- Bandai Acquires The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya [News]
- Bandai Entertainment Nabs Gurren Lagann, Gundam 00 [News]
- Bandai Entertainment Snags Ghost In The Shell 2 [News]
- Bandai Nabs Haruhi-chan, Churuya [News]
- Bandai nabs Kurokami, Announces Simultaneous International Airing [News]
- Bandai To Release Bilingual Mobile Suit Gundam, Two Others [News]
- Bandai's Blu Aurora Circles the Globe [News]
- Book Expo America: Viz Nabs Solanin and Nora [News]
- British License Announcement Bonanza [News]
- Comic Con 09: CMX Acquires Seventeen Titles [News]
- Comic Con 09: Del Rey Adds Three Titles [News]
- Comic Con 09: Viz Adds Vampire Knight, Kekkashi, Inuyasha [News]
- Comic Con 09: Yen Press Acquires Ten Titles [News]
- Comic Con 2010: Bandai Acquires Two Anime, One Manga [News]
- Comic Con 2010: Yen Press Adds Highschool of the Dead, Higurashi, Two Others [News]
- Convergence Acquires Gungrave Film Rights [News]
- Crunchyroll Acquires DVD Rights to 5 Centimeters Per Second [News]
- Crunchyroll Adds Seven New Titles [News]
- Crunchyroll Announces Three Titles [News]
- Crunchyroll Licenses Five New Titles [News]
- Crunchyroll Nabs Gatchaman OVAs [News]
- Crunchyroll to Air Eyeshield 21 [News]
- Crunchyroll to Air Time of Eve [News]
- Crunchyroll To Air Two New Titles [News]
- Dai Nippon, Kodansha, Shueisha, Shogakukan Acquire 29% of Book-Off [News]
- Dark Horse Nabs Clover [News]
- Dark Horse to Release FLCL Manga Omnibus [News]
- Dark Horse To Release POP Wonderland [News]
- Del Rey Acquires Kyo, Wild @ Heart [News]
- Digital Manga Acquires Garden Sky, Love Water [News]
- Digital Manga Acquires Itazura na Kiss [News]
- Digital Manga Acquires Yashakiden, Taimashin [News]
- Digital Manga Picks Up Maiden Rose [News]
- Digital Manga Publishing Acquires Four Titles [News]
- Digital Manga Publishing Acquires Yokan - Premonition [News]
- Discotek Acquires D.N.Angel [News]
- Discotek Acquires Demon City Shinjuku [News]
- Discotek Acquires First Season of Lupin III [News]
- Discotek acquires Fist of the North Star [News]
- Discotek Acquires Galaxy Express 999, Project A-Ko, Others [News]
- Discotek Acquires Space Adventure Cobra Movie [News]
- Discotek Acquires Three Titles [News]
- Discotek Acquires Unico Films [News]
- Disney to Release Tales From Earthsea on August 13 [News]
- FanimeCon 2008: Bandai Entertainment Nabs Sword of the Stranger [News]
- FanimeCon 2011: Aniplex To Release Kenshin Blu-Ray [News]
- FanimeCon 2011: Viz Acquires Arrietty Comics [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Disgaea [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Dragon Ball Kai [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Ga-Rei-Zero [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Gad Guard and Vandread [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Geneon Back-Catalog [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Heat Guy J [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Hetalia, Sacred Blacksmith [News]
- FUNimation Acquires High School DxD [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Kaleido Star OVA [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Last Exile Sequel [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Linebarrels of Iron And Strike Witches [News]
- FUNimation acquires My Bride Is A Mermaid [News]
- FUNimation acquires Ookiku Furikabutte [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Samurai Champloo [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Sands of Destruction [News]
- FUNimation acquires Shigurui [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Soul Eater [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Strike Witches 2, Hetalia World Series, Others [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Vandread OVAs [News]
- FUNimation Acquires X, Initial D [News]
- FUNimation announces FLCL [News]
- FUNimation announces Kenichi [News]
- FUNimation Announces Kuroshitsuji [News]
- FUNimation Licenses a Double-Shot of Tsubasa [News]
- FUNimation licenses Afro Samurai: Resurrection [News]
- FUNimation Licenses Heroic Age [News]
- FUNimation Licenses House of the Five Leaves, Tatami Galaxy [News]
- FUNimation nabs Baccano! [News]
- FUNimation Nabs El Cazador de la Bruja [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Evangelion 1.0 [News]
- FUNimation nabs Gunslinger Girl Il Teatrino [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Kaze no Stigma [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Mnemosyne [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Pretear [News]
- FUNimation nabs Shikabane-Hime [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Six More Titles [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Titles Involved In ADV-Sojitz Partnership [News]
- FUNimation Picks Up Full Metal Panic! Plus Two Other Titles [News]
- FUNimation picks up Strain [News]
- FUNimation Picks Up Two Titles [News]
- FUNimation Rescues Four More ADV Titles [News]
- FUNimation Rescues Three Former ADV Titles [News]
- FUNimation snags D.Gray-Man [News]
- FUNimation snags Mamotte! Lollipop [News]
- FUNimation to Release Shiki on DVD & Blu-Ray [News]
- Ghosts of Lovers Transcend Time [News]
- Go! Comi Nabs Two More Takagi Titles [News]
- Katsucon 2009: FUNimation Announces Five Titles [News]
- Katsucon 2010: FUNimation Acquires Trigun, Announces Dragon Ball Kai Cast [News]
- Kodansha Comics to Release Shugo Chara!, @Full Moon [News]
- Last Gasp Acquires The Strange Tale of Panorama Island [News]
- Maiden Japan Acquires Polyphonica Crimson S [News]
- Mandalay Pictures Nabs Rights To Full Metal Panic! Film [News]
- Manga Acquires TO OVA [News]
- Manga Entertainment Acquires High School of the Dead, Casshern [News]
- Manga UK Adds Fairy Tail, Corpse Princess [News]
- MangaNEXT 2012: Vertical Adds Heroman, Others [News]
- Media Blasters Acquires Blade of the Immortal [News]
- Media Blasters Acquires Maka-Maka [News]
- Media Blasters Acquires Queen's Blade, Ikki Tousen [News]
- Media Blasters Acquires Record of Lodoss War [News]
- Media Blasters Acquires Squid Girl [News]
- Media Blasters Gets Amaenaideyo!! [News]
- Media Blasters Licenses Bokusatsu Tenshi [News]
- Media Blasters Nabs Dai Mahou Touge [News]
- Media Blasters Nabs Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei [News]
- Media Blasters to Release Kanokon [News]
- Netcomics Announces Five New Boys-Love Titles [News]
- New York Anime Festival 2008: Bandai Acquires Gurren Lagann Manga [News]
- New York Comic Con 2009: Bandai Acquires ALL Gundam 00 Manga [News]
- New York Comic Con 2009: CMX Announces Three Manga Titles [News]
- New York Comic Con 2009: Del Ray Acquires Three New Titles [News]
- New York Comic Con 2009: Viz Acquires Rumiko Takahashi's Upcoming Manga [News]
- New York Comic Con 2009: Viz Announces Eleven Titles For 2009-2010 [News]
- New York Comic Con 2009: Yen Press Acquires Three New Titles [News]
- New York Comic Con 2011: FUNimation Acquires Fafner, Others [News]
- New York Comic Con 2011: Seven Seas Acquires Two Manga Titles [News]
- New York Comic Con 2011: Yen Press Acquires Five New Titles [News]
- New York Comic Con Brings One More Wave of Announcments [News]
- News Digest: 3/4/2010 - 3/8/2010 [News]
- NIS America Nabs Kimi no Todoke 2nd Season [News]
- NIS America Snags Occult Academy [News]
- NISA Acquires Working!! [News]
- Nozomi Acquires Original Dirty Pair TV [News]
- Nozomi Acquires Rental Magica [News]
- Nozomi Entertainment Acquires Fourth Season of Maria Watches Over Us [News]
- NYAF '09: Del Rey Acquires Four Titles [News]
- NYAF '09: TOKYOPOP Acquires Nine Manga Titles [News]
- NYAF '09: TOKYOPOP To Publish .hack//LINK [News]
- NYAF '09: Vertical Announces Four Titles [News]
- NYAF '09: Viz Adds 11 Manga Titles [News]
- NYAF 2010: Dark Horse Adds Three New Titles [News]
- Ocean Waves To Hit Western DVD... In The UK [News]
- Ohayocon 2008: FUNimation Announces Fullmetal Alchemist Premium Collection [News]
- OMG It's Kannagi [News]
- Otakon 09: FUNimation Snags Eden, Casshern, and Dragon Ball Remasters [News]
- Otakon 2008: ADV Films Announces Six New Titles [News]
- Otakon 2008: Bandai Entertainment Nabs More .hack [News]
- Otakon 2008: Crunchyroll Snatches More Gonzo Titles [News]
- Otakon 2008: Kadokawa Acquires Eight titles [News]
- Otakon 2010: Bandai Entertainment Acquires Sora Kake Girl, My Otome O~S.ifr~ [News]
- Otakon 2010: FUNimation Acquires Eva 2.22, Summer Wars, Hetalia Film [News]
- Otakon 2011: Aniplex To Release Oreimo [News]
- Otakon 2011: Bandai Acquires Two Anime And Two Manga Titles [News]
- Otakon 2011: FUNimation Acquires Sora no Otoshimono Movie [News]
- Ponyo Heads Stateside [News]
- Right Stuf Acquires El Hazard [News]
- S'more Entertainment Acquires Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Galaxy Express 999 [News]
- Sakura Taisen Headed For America [News]
- Sakura-Con 2012: FUNimation Nabs Sankarea, Shangri-La [News]
- San Diego Comic Con 2008: Bandai Entertainment Snags Lucky Star Manga [News]
- San Diego Comic Con 2008: Del Rey Announces Four New Titles [News]
- Section23 Acquires Four New Titles [News]
- Section23 Acquires Ray [News]
- Section23 Acquires You're Under Arrest!, Two Other Anime Titles [News]
- Section23 Films Acquires Nyan Koi! [News]
- Section23 Films Acquires To Love-Ru [News]
- Section23 Films Snags Three Titles [News]
- Sentai Acquires Angel Beats [News]
- Sentai Acquires Another, Listen To Me Girls. I Am your Father! [News]
- Sentai Acquires Book of Bantorra [News]
- Sentai Acquires Broken Blade [News]
- Sentai Acquires Coicent and Five Numbers [News]
- Sentai Acquires Dream Eater Merry [News]
- Sentai Acquires Familiar of Zero F [News]
- Sentai Acquires GetBackers, Zettai Karen Children [News]
- Sentai Acquires Hyakka Ryoran Samurai Girls [News]
- Sentai Acquires Ice OVA [News]
- Sentai Acquires Infinite Stratos, Anime Network to Simulcast [News]
- Sentai Acquires Inu X Boku S.S. [News]
- Sentai Acquires Mardock Scramble [News]
- Sentai Acquires Maria Holic Alive! [News]
- Sentai Acquires Mashiro-Iro Symphony [News]
- Sentai Acquires Motto to Love Ru [News]
- Sentai Acquires Phi-Brain [News]
- Sentai Acquires Rozen Maiden [News]
- Sentai Adds Fate/Stay night, K-On!! [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Fist of the North Star: Raoh Gaiden [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Five New Titles [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Ghost Sweeper Mikami [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Golgo 13 [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Kimikiss, Canaan [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Modern Magic Made Simple [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Three New Titles [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires Utakata, Taisho Baseball Girls [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Acquires You're Under Arrest Season 2, Four Other Shows [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Announces Three New Titles [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Gets Guin Saga [News]
- Sentai Filmworks Gets Xam'd, Hell Girl 3 [News]
- Sentai Filmworks to Release Needless on DVD and Blu-ray [News]
- Sentai Snags Three Geneon Titles [News]
- Sentai, The Anime Network Acquire Towanoquon [News]
- Seven Seas Acquires Dive in the Vampire Bund [News]
- Seven Seas Snags Two New Manga [News]
- Sony Pictures Acquires Last Blood [News]
- Sony Pictures Acquires Sky Crawlers [News]
- Sony to bring Marvel Anime West [News]
- Sony to Release UltraViolet: Code 044 [News]
- The Big One [News]
- The Parade of Manga Marches On [News]
- Tokyo International Anime Fair 2009: Crunchyroll Acquires Six Titles [News]
- TOKYOPOP Acquires Chibi Vampire: Airmail [News]
- TOKYOPOP Adds Crimson Snow Manga [News]
- Udon To Publish Silent Mobius [News]
- Vertical Acquires Velveteen and Mandala [News]
- Vertical Acquires Works by Tezuka, Furuya [News]
- Viz Acquires 20th Century Boys Films [News]
- Viz Acquires Detroit Metal City Film [News]
- Viz Acquires I"s and I"s Pure OVAs [News]
- Viz Acquires Master License to Vampire Knight [News]
- Viz Acquires Pokemon Black & White Manga, Two art books [News]
- Viz Gets Four More Manga Titles [News]
- Viz Plans Mass Release of Takehiko Inoue Titles [News]
- Warner Bros. and Appian Way Acquire Live-Action Ninja Scroll [News]
- Warner Bros. to Release Supernatural: The Anime [News]
- Warner Brothers Snags Death Note Film Rights [News]
- Well Go USA Acquires Digimon Data Squad [News]
- Wondercon 2009: Bandai Entertainment Acquires Lucky Star OVA [News]
- Yaoi Generation Announces breath [News]
- Yen Press Acquires Azumanga [News]
- Yen Press Acquires Haruhi Manga [News]
- Yen Press To Release Final Volume of With the Light [News]
- Yen+ Adds Innocent Manga [News]
- Zakka Films Enters The Scene With Collection Of Eight Pre-Tezuka Classics [News]